Random Thoughts
Sometimes I scrap, sometimes I post pics...sometimes neither, sometimes both....totally random!
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
So we survived November again! I always feel like I need to shout that from the roof tops these days! This year was even busier than in the past because of the added stress of Report Cards and end of year stuff at work. But somehow we managed to keep it together and pulled off two parties as well as baking 8 (yes *8*) cakes for the girls, reports were handed in on time and the kids made it to most of their own social engagements. We did have to forgo the Christmas Concert at school, but at the end of the day, it will be much easier next year! We even managed to squeeze in our wedding anniversary.
So now Annie is 3 and Audrey is 8! Look at them up there, all grown up and cute! How dare they!
I have big plans for the school holidays...things like swimming and sandcastles are pretty high on my list of priorities. I'd also like to read a few books that I started this year. After I am suitably relaxed, I fully intend to watch the second season of Haven (if I can find it) and then clear out the scrap room. I will pop back in a couple of weeks and let you know how those goals are going!
Sunday, November 04, 2012
There is something so refreshing about spending time with people who love to do what you do. Even better when they are similar in spirit to you as well. And even better when you can spend it in style at a posh resort!
Shearwater at Kings Beach was a most beautiful place to stay, even though the weather was dreadful. The food was unreal and everyone was so lovely to us. It really was a special weekend!
New friendships were forged and old ones strengthened. Somewhere to scrap have done it again! Well done Deb, Rach and Peta!
Amid all of the talking and connecting I did get a fair bit of scrapping done...I will post them next week.
Shearwater at Kings Beach was a most beautiful place to stay, even though the weather was dreadful. The food was unreal and everyone was so lovely to us. It really was a special weekend!
Amid all of the talking and connecting I did get a fair bit of scrapping done...I will post them next week.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Wake Up!
Yes, you little blog! I know you have had an extra long winter hibernation, but now it is time to get going and dust off the cobwebs!.
Welcome back everyone...if anyone is still out there...this little old job of mine has really taken the majority of my time this year! With all of my other commitments, the actual blogging of my life has fallen by the wayside. I suppose that is no real excuse, but here are a few new pics to make up for the hiatus!
This is our latest family shot, taken at my nephew Nathans Baptism. Look how much they have all grown!
And here is Greg and I at Rita's 60th Birthday party. We still scrub up ok I guess!
I am off retreating up the Sunshine Coast next weekend. I can't wait to get stuck into some new things I picked up at the Brisbane Craft and Quilt Fair on Friday! 13 rolls of washi tape and some new dies...I will be busy :)
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Somewhere to record the stories!
It has been a long time since we have had a toddler in the house. A long time since we have had a little insight into how our human minds develop. It always excites us to see each of our children achieve new and interesting skills! I can remember marveling at all of them, feeling so proud of them at different stages.
So now it is Annie's turn to be the toddler and she is certainly giving us a few stories to remember her by! Today I was greeted with a special magic trick complete with black magicians hat, disappearing rabbit, flourish and "abbadabba"! It completely made my day! She was so proud of herself!
So now it is Annie's turn to be the toddler and she is certainly giving us a few stories to remember her by! Today I was greeted with a special magic trick complete with black magicians hat, disappearing rabbit, flourish and "abbadabba"! It completely made my day! She was so proud of herself!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Obligatory school photos :)
Here they are...they have all grown about 15-20 cms in a year I think! I try to make them stand roughly in the same spot each year, with the slats measuring their height!
The hair is gone and so has the other tooth! A doubly sad day for me! She is going to grow them both back by the end of the year I hope! LOL!
And not to forget a birthday, here is Joseph looking schmick on his 9th birthday. I am still in denial! He is such a delight...a wonderful mix of boy's boy, creative soul and cool nerd! Plus he has these crinkly eyes that make even my strongest reserve melt away!
And one more very big first...Annie's first day of Kindy! We are still (two LONG moths later) settling in, but we do love all the newfound independence. It seems we have quite the little trickster on our hands!

The hair is gone and so has the other tooth! A doubly sad day for me! She is going to grow them both back by the end of the year I hope! LOL!
And not to forget a birthday, here is Joseph looking schmick on his 9th birthday. I am still in denial! He is such a delight...a wonderful mix of boy's boy, creative soul and cool nerd! Plus he has these crinkly eyes that make even my strongest reserve melt away!
Monday, February 27, 2012
I miss blogging!
I want to blog. I miss documenting our lives as they go along, on photo opportunity at a time. I seem to have fallen off the blogging wagon though, not through any real decision to stop, just an insane decrease in my LEISURE time (remember that joke???).
Now that I am back at work I really need to fit more into my days. They were already jam packed with all sorts of things...a few things have to be dropped this year, like netball training and fete stalls and trivia night planning. All things I really enjoy and look forward to doing again one day. I don't want my blog to fall into that hole though. I have been here in some way shape or form for many years now (at least five!) and I am happy here.
So aside from a return to work, what has 2012 brought us so far?
Firstly, we have new cousin to smother with kisses...Nathan. He is divine. I am heading off to my brothers to do some lovely family portraits this weekend...hope bubby is in the mood for lots of snuggles! My boys both got exceptionally smoochy around him...it was so gorgeous to watch them!
And this little munchkin got to cover herself in colour...her favourite daily activity! She really cracks me up!
Now that I am back at work I really need to fit more into my days. They were already jam packed with all sorts of things...a few things have to be dropped this year, like netball training and fete stalls and trivia night planning. All things I really enjoy and look forward to doing again one day. I don't want my blog to fall into that hole though. I have been here in some way shape or form for many years now (at least five!) and I am happy here.
So aside from a return to work, what has 2012 brought us so far?
Firstly, we have new cousin to smother with kisses...Nathan. He is divine. I am heading off to my brothers to do some lovely family portraits this weekend...hope bubby is in the mood for lots of snuggles! My boys both got exceptionally smoochy around him...it was so gorgeous to watch them!
Now that I am back in the classroom, I am finding heaps of fun activities to do...on this day we made paint with cornflour, bicarb and food colouring and water, then sparyed it with white vinegar to watch it foam up. The road was covered in a foaming mess, (completely biodegradable by the way) they kids got a little science lesson,
Let's try and catch up again soon hey!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Welcome 2012!
With Christmas, New Years and Joseph's birthday celebrations behind us I feel like I can finally stop and breathe! It has been a wonderful month filled with lots of swimming, eating and general merriment! Here are a few pics ...

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